
Taryn and Jonathan Gill currently live in Franklin, Tennessee.  Taryn works as an EMT and first responder when she is not teaching Safety Courses and Jonathan works as a firefighter and first responder when he is not teaching fire and medical courses. Both of their jobs inspired their creation of the Safety ICE Clips because they have seen first-hand the need for the kind of information provided by the Safety ICE Clips in an emergency setting.

Taryn also currently teaches classes in life-saving for other first responders. She says: “ When training people how to save lives, I go into each class anticipating that one day one of these people attending my class could be my rescuer or at the side of one of my children. With that in mind, I provide safety programs for companies thinking that prevention is absolutely critical.”

“As a paramedic in Johannesburg, I took an oath – that when treating a patient you vow ‘first do no harm.’ Well, when you come across that unresponsive patient or the patient unable to talk to you as they are having a seizure or a stroke, imagine what can happen if I give them something that will add insult to injury? What happens if they get a medication to which they are allergic? It makes things worse, and it’s every responder’s nightmare.  We are looking for possible causes of illness, and we want to be sure that what we do won’t be causing more harm.”

Jonathan has had a passion for firefighting since he was a young boy, when he used to beg his parents to drive him around if he heard fire trucks to see if he could find the fire. He’s equally passionate about training, and teaches both fire and medical classes.

“We both have the same outlook on our students,” says Taryn. “I know it could be my house burning or our children trapped in a car after an accident. We teach the people that attend our class with the hope that when one of them ends up on the scene, they ‘ll respond with the same passion and commitment to duty that Jonathan and I do.”


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